Wednesday 13 April 2016

Life drawing 3

Another Speed paint

I have 1.5 hours to re-create this image:

This is how far I got: 

I'm still slow when it comes to paint but compare to the beginning of the year I feel like I the progress I'm making is amazing. 

These were the steps on how got to me point. 

This part took me a while because I tried to be accuracy as I could (already forgetting it was a speed painting...)

added a bit of detail.

That was me adding in the lighting. 

and then this. 

This is quite good but I'm a long way off from the original, maybe when i have free time I'll complete it. Still proud of it.


For this we had to create scene with a tree and trees in it. The task was fun and I really got to see how much I've improved over the year.

This is what I created:
I re-done some parts making some of the parts sharper.


Insectoid Character

try out 

Steam Punk

We had to create 3 steam punk items. Steam Punk is very unique and it's was hard for me at first to create something of it's type. I had to do so much research, end less amounts of pictures, from things ranging from clothes, to weapons and machines.
I then went in to Maya created this gun/Sword.

I then sketched this.
It's suppose to be a steam Punk motor bike but i feel that with out the colours it's hard to tell.

Some other 3D things

Speed Paint

This was a speed paint assignment which we had a task to see how much we could get done in 2 hours.

This was the image to complete.

To help me I first created a grid lane like in the reference image. 

This is what managed to do in 2 hours.

This is what a accomplished, which is good for my standard however I know other people work alot quicker.