Wednesday 13 April 2016

Futuristic Weapon

I had to create a futuristic weapon. I liked this assignment however it made my realise how bad my digitally painting skills where so I had to colour in the photo I done using felt-tip pens.
These are the weapons I was looking at and to be honest, I didn't want there design/ fell but to be they weren't futuristic enough for me. 
that's when I designed this and thought it looked like something out of halo. I was pleased with it until people started asking me how it would work, where's the trigger. I thought  it and decided to scrap this gun because it was confusing to some people and I clearly hadn't plan my design process properly. 

So I went in to Maya and started 3d modelling a gun. 

When I was done I drew the gun but tried to give it a futuristic fell to it. 

This is how to came out in the end. I don't know how I feel about this one because yeah, I achieved  futuristic look but it looks more the a gun that will be used in Power rangers 5/10+ year from now...

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