Wednesday 13 April 2016

Warm Up Assignment - Robot Design 2

I decided to approach the second robot differently. I did research but this time it didn't type in robots, I decided I would pick a character/animal from a cartoon/anime and see if I can build a robot based of that character.

I chose the Regi Trio from Pokemon.
I chose them because their are known as the Legendary Titans and I wanted this robot to be something powerful as well. They look deadly and are know for having a solid defence.

So I started sketching ideas.


believe it or not at this point I hit a wall haha, I forgot how to draw hands, my mind went blank! So i had to take a Picture of my own hand to see what I was doing (plus I couldn't find a picture with a hand doing the pose that I had in mind) 

(ignore the trash, it was takeaway night) xD 


And then after about an hour I scrapped that idea and went with something different. 

I was so happy with the concept for the robot because I felt like it would fit in with the Legendary Titans. So happy in fact I 3D modelled just to see what it would look like in 3D.


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